Hemp is a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids that humans must get from food. It’s rich in omega 3 and omega 6, essential fatty acids that promote energy production and strengthen the immune system.

Protein powders such as Braham & Murray Raw Protein Hemp Powder are popular nutritional supplements used by athletes, bodybuilders and those trying to gain weight or increase muscle mass. The good news is hemp is a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids that humans must get from food.

Many people consider hemp seeds such Braham & Murray Raw Protein Hemp Powder to be a superfood. The seeds have a rich nutritional profile and provide a range of health benefits.

It’s also high in fibre and essential fatty acids and its protein is more soluble than other plant-based proteins, making it an incredible versatile food source

Protein Hemp Powder

Braham & Murray Raw Protein Hemp Powder











  • Made from 100% raw hemp seeds
  • Free from dairy, soya, and 14 major allergens
  • Contains 50% protein, 20% fibre and is high in Omega 3 & 6
  • Plant protein containing all essential amino acids
  • Add to any recipe to boost your protein & fibre